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Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Caius Anton Gurgu

Father Caιus Ordination

On Sunday, 10th December 2023, Deacon Caius Anton Gurgu was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Church of St Andrew in Edinburgh, Scotland. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas presided during Matins and concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion. Amongst those concelebrating were the V. Rev. Archim. Nektarios Stogiannis, the V. Rev. Archim. Avraamy Neyman, the Rev. Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Luke Jeffrey, the Rev. Protopresbyter Georgios Schinas, the Rev. Deacon Symeon Menne and Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous. The congregation was a truly international community, representing a mixed ethnic background, reflecting an ecumenical spirit.

In his ordination speech, Fr Caius reflected on his spiritual journey and the blessings received throughout his life. Born in Romania and influenced by the Orthodox Faith from an early age, he acknowledged the profound impact of his family, particularly his grandparents and parents, in shaping his path. His time at the Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Romania played a significant role in intertwining his family life with spiritual growth. His journey led him to Edinburgh for studies, where he found a different yet enriching manifestation of Orthodoxy, deeply influenced by the community and clergy there. Fr Caius expressed gratitude for his wife, Thaleia, and their children, emphasising the support and love of his family and community. He embraced priesthood with humility and a sense of divine calling, pledging to serve with the same dedication and care as a father for his children, aspiring to be Christ-like in service. His moving speech concluded with a call for prayers for himself and all the Lord’s people, echoing St. Paul’s words to fearlessly proclaim the gospel.

In response, among other things, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas spoke highly of Fr Caius’s path to priesthood and his potential impact on the church. He emphasised the Church’s need for presbyters like Fr Caius, noting the virtues of humility and obedience, and his progression through life’s stages to Scotland, a place yearning for spiritual truth. His Eminence stressed that priests like Fr Caius are crucial for unveiling Orthodoxy anew in Scotland, guiding people back to the truth of Jesus Christ. He remarked that Christ calls not the perfect but those with their own struggles, seeking hearts willing to serve. He encouraged the new priest to arm himself with the armour of God, to be robed in righteousness, to wield the shield of Faith, and to embody Christ fully, as the Apostle Paul advised.

The ordination was fittingly celebrated with a festive luncheon hosted by the community, featuring traditional Christmas carols from Scotland, Greece, and Romania, symbolizing the joy and unity of the occasion.

Archbishop Nikitas at No. 10

On Tuesday 13th of December 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, accompanied by Mr. Jason Charalambous, a Trustee of the Sacred Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, was warmly received at an Advent reception hosted at No. 10 Downing Street by the Rt. Honourable Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. During the reception, His Eminence and Mr. Charalambous had the opportunity to exchange wishes and thoughts with other Christian leaders, Ministers, and Members of Parliament. The event was marked by a spirit of shared anticipation and reflection characteristic of the Advent season, further enhanced by the delightful sound of children’s carols, which added a festive and joyful atmosphere. The gathering concluded with an exchange of Advent blessings and a united hope for peace and goodwill.

Hagia Sophia’s Choir Director Costas Manoras Honored by Archbishop Nikitas

Hagia Sophia’s Choir Director Costas Manoras Honored by Archbishop Nikitas

On Friday, 24th November 2023, the Archdiocesan Cathedral of Divine Wisdom hosted a concert honoring the 175th anniversary of its famous polyphonic choir. At the conclusion of the concert, which included musical pieces and arrangements from the various periods of its long history, the V. Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, read an archpastoral greeting from His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain. Following the greeting, Fr. Nephon at His Eminence’s request and direction bestowed on Mr. Costas Manoras the Archdiocesan Cross of Christ the Savior. Among the complimentary message, the Archbishop described Mr. Manoras as “a most dedicated, skillful, humble, and honorable servant of Christ and His Church” who has directed the choir for forty years.
The honorary cross is bestowed on devout members of the Archdiocese for their exemplary service to the Church, their devotion, and dedication to supporting the vision set forth by the Archdiocese.

Celebrating the Feast of St Catherine in Barnet

Celebrating the Feast of St Catherine in Barnet

On Saturday, 25th November 2023, the Feast Day of St Catherine, His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis presided during Matins and concelebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St Catherine Barnet & Enfield in North London. Among those concelebrating were the Priest-in-charge Very Revd Archim. Damianos Konstantinou, the Vicar General Protopresbyter Konstantinos Garibaldinos, the Reverend Oeconomos Nikolaos Kokkinos, the Reverend Oeconomos Gregory Wellington, the Reverend Presbyter Konstantinos Mamouris and Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous.

Under the blessing of His Eminence Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous delivered a sermon reflecting on the life of Saint Catherine the All-Wise highlighting her journey from a privileged life in Alexandria to her unwavering commitment to Christ, defying Emperor Maximinus’ persecutions. He shed light on her intellectual prowess that sparked a crucial spiritual debate, leading to widespread conversion. Further, he explored the dichotomy between the Western emphasis on intellectual wisdom and the Eastern Christian focus on the heart as the epicenter of human existence and divine revelation. Celebrating Saint Catherine’s shift from worldly logic to heartful devotion to God, he conveyed how this became her true wisdom and strength.

His Grace Bishop Iakovos shared His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas’ paternal wishes with the congregation and encouraged everyone to seek inspiration from the lives of saints like St Catherine.

The day, filled with joy and spiritual reflection, concluded with a warm and hospitable reception hosted by the St Catherine Barnett Community.

Constantinople Lecture 2023

Constantinople Lecture 2023

On Thursday the 23rd of November 2023 the annual ‘Constantinople Lecture’ of the AECA (Anglican & Eastern Churches Association) took place at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom in Bayswater, London. This year’s lecture was delivered by the esteemed theologian and chaplain of HM King Charles, Rev Dr Canon Jamie Hawkey. The Canon of Westminster spoke on the theme of His Majesty the King’s recent coronation in terms of both the liturgical influences of the Orthodox Christian tradition (with holy oil consecrated and offered by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem) and the ecumenical significance of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas’ active participation in the ceremony, alongside other faith leaders.

Prior to the lecture itself, the chairman of the AECA, Rev Canon William Taylor, offered welcoming remarks, whilst the Rt Rev Bishop Christopher Chessun of Southwark congratulated Canon Jamie following his insightful talk. The V. Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, represented His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas.

The lecture sparked glimmers of hope within the context of Anglican -Orthodox dialogue, placing emphasis on practical implementation of Christ’s commandments of unity and of ‘diakonia,’ serving and ministering to others in His name.

The lecture and gracious reception hosted by the Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom was truly a joyous occasion for further fellowship amongst members of the AECA and other attendees, in a spirit of Christian solidarity, in prayer for a brighter future of unity, in faith and fraternal love.

Photo credit: Rev Protopresbyter Anastasios Salapatas

Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Andreas Minic

Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Andreas Minic

On Saturday, 11th November 2023, Deacon Andreas Minic was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Cathedral of St Andrew Kentish Town in London. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas presided during Matins and concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with His Eminence Metropolitan Kyrillos of Krini and His Grace Bishop Iakovos Claudiopolis. Amongst those concelebrating were the V. Rev. Archim. Symeon Augoustakis, the V. Rev. Archim. Chrysostomos Tympas, the V. Rev. Archim. Ambrosios Vesic, the Rev. Oeconomos Kristian Akselberg, the Rev. Presbyter Konstantinos Mamouris, and Archdeacon George Tsourous.

During his homily before the ordination, Fr Andreas reflected on his journey and acknowledged the significant influences in his spiritual life. He expressed gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas for welcoming him into the clergy of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain and for conducting his ordination. He also conveyed his appreciation to his spiritual Father, His Eminence Metropolitan Kirilos of Krini for providing both academic and spiritual guidance. Fr. Andreas extended thanks to His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, highlighting his role as the first among equals and his contributions to maintaining the unity of the Orthodox Church in the face of challenges. Additionally, he thanked his family and friends for their support on this momentous occasion.

In response, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas delivered a homily, emphasizing the concept of the Church as one large spiritual family. In his letter prior to the ordination, he remarked that despite our differences and diverse gifts, we contribute to a harmonious symphony within the Church’s life. He invited everyone, particularly the newly ordained, to join in this symphony alongside him and the rest of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain.

The ordination was followed by a festive luncheon, generously hosted by His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas.

Fr Andrew is currently pursuing a PhD at the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He is proficient in several languages, including English, Serbian, Italian, Spanish, and Russian, and has a working knowledge of French and Greek.

Archbishop Nikitas in Serbia

Archbishop Nikitas in Serbia

Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, traveled to Belgrade, Serbia, to co-chair the joint meeting of CEC (Conference of European Churches) and CCEE (Consilium Conferetiarm Episcoporum Europae) (5-7 November 2024).

The two day meeting was hosted by the Catholic Archdiocese of Belgrade and afforded the participants the opportunity to share thoughts and exchange ideas on matters of mutual concern. The group heard various reports from the committee members and plans for future meetings. One of the critical issues discussed was the crisis in the Middle East and a statement was issued by the joint committee (please see the attachment). A highlight of the meeting was the visit to the Saint Sava Cathedral and a gracious reception/dinner offered by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

His Grace Bishop Iakovos visits Cardiff for the 150th anniversary celebrations

His Grace Bishop Iakovos visits Cardiff for the 150th anniversary celebrations

On Sunday, November 5, 2023, the Community of St. Nicholas in Cardiff was honoured with the visit of His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis, who was accompanied by Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous. His Grace Bishop Iakovos, who previously served as the Priest-in-charge of this church for 22 years, presided over Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. The Very Rev. Archimandrite Nicholas Price, the current Priest-in-charge, concelebrated with His Grace, and Archdeacon George Tsourous assisted in the service.

At the conclusion of the Liturgy, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, His Grace Bishop Iakovos bestowed the Office of Confessor to Father Nicholas, recognising his dedicated pastoral work and authorising him to offer spiritual guidance as a confessor to the Cardiff Orthodox community.

The event was further marked by the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the community’s founding. His Grace Bishop Iakovos conveyed the pastoral wishes of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas to everyone attending. Notable Christian leaders were present, including His Grace Mark O’Toole, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cardiff, and the Right Reverend Barry Morgan, the former Archbishop of the Church in Wales.

After the service, the community gathered for a celebratory program at a local venue. Attendees enjoyed a sumptuous meal, followed by speeches by the esteemed guests. The program also included a presentation that highlighted the history and contributions of the Greek Community in Cardiff. The festivities concluded with a raffle.

Distinguished guests included His Excellency Mr. Andreas Kakouris, the High Commissioner of Cyprus, and HE Mr. Christos Goulas, the Consul of Greece and Mrs. Maria Loi, the Director and Chair of the Cyprus Educational Mission.

Local dignitaries in attendance included Mrs. Morfudd Meredith, the Lord-Lieutenant of South Glamorgan, and Mrs. Bablin Molik, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff. Mr. Stephen Doughty, the MP for Cardiff South and Penarth, was also present as well as Mrs. David Lermon from the Cardiff Reform Synagogue; Mr. Gurmit Singh, President of the Sikh Gurdwara Cardiff along with Vice Chair Mrs. Surrinder Channa; and Mr. Raad Abdalahad, Chairman of the Iraqi Christian Association of Wales.

Holy Island Pilgrimage

On Saturday, 4th November 2023, approximately 60 to 70 congregants from four parishes of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain—St Andrew the First-called (Edinburgh, Scotland), St Columba of Iona (Inverness, Highlands, Scotland), St Bega, St Mungo & St Herbert (Keswick, Cumbria), and The Mother of God and St Oswald (Berwick Upon Tweed, Northumbria)—embarked on a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided over Divine Liturgy. The Very Rev. Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Antonios Kakalis celebrated the Divine Liturgy and Deacons Symeon Menne, and Dr Nikita Banev served.

In a solemn and joyous moment post-liturgy, Gregory Dott was received into the Orthodox Church through the sacrament of Chrismation witnessed by the gathered faithful, who warmly welcomed Gregory to the Orthodox faith.

Following the liturgical services, the pilgrims gathered for fellowship at the island’s Community Hall. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity for the community members to engage with one another, share updates, and strengthen their bonds of fellowship.

The day also included a walk around the serene landscapes of Lindisfarne, allowing the participants to reflect and take in the tranquil beauty of the island. The group then departed punctually, via bus and cars, ahead of the returning tide that reconnects the island to the mainland.