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Deacon Symeon Menne ordained to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Symeon Menne ordained to the Holy Priesthood

On Sunday, 14th January 2024, Deacon Symeon Menne was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Church of St Anthony the Great in Newcastle. His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Amongst those concelebrating were the V. Revd Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Dr Antonios Kakalis, Hieromonk Melchisedec from the Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex, Revd Oeconomos Andreas Amirhom, Revd Presbyter Anton Caius Curgu and Revd Presbyter Nikitas Banev. Also present were the Revd Dr. Justin Mihoc (Durham) from the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Very Revd Lee Batson, Dean of the Newcastle Cathedral. Prior to the ordination, Andreas Lumsden was elevated to the order of Readers by His Grace Bishop Raphael.

In his ordination speech, Deacon Symeon expressed profound gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain for blessing his journey to priesthood. Deacon Symeon recounted his own spiritual journey in Orthodoxy, starting with his Baptism at the Monastery of St Catherine in Sinai in 1991, which has ever since been lovingly supported by the Archbishop of the Monastery and the Sinaite Brotherhood, including his Godparents, Hieromonk Arsenios and Monk Moses, as well as the Abbot and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex. He acknowledged with utter reverence the unfailing love of his first spiritual father, the late Archimandrite Symeon, of blessed memory, and his current one, His Grace Bishop Raphael. He also extended his deep appreciation to the priests, who guided him during his Holy Diaconate with love and patience, especially Fr Antonios Kakalis, Fr Andreas Amirhom, Fr Andrew Louth, Fr Justin Mihoc, and Archdeacon George Tsourous. He also cordially thanked his family, especially his dearly beloved wife Konstantina, his rock and support, and cherished children Savina and George Lucas.

After recounting all his blessings, he then reflected on a saying by St Sophrony of Essex about the purpose of the Christian Life, which is to ‘ask the Lord Jesus to send the Holy Spirit into our hearts to cleanse us and make us like Christ’. Recollecting his experiences from several of his patients’ last moments on this earth, Deacon Symeon reiterated the need to steadfastly live by the Saint’s advice, whilst continually preparing for the afterlife through humility, discernment, prayer, fasting, faith, hope and love. He acknowledged that there is no better place on earth to get closer to our Saviour than in Church, most importantly through our participation in the Eucharist. Deacon Symeon humbly accepted his sacred duty, seeking forgiveness and vowing to be a diligent shepherd, inspired by the country’s Christian Saints. He urged all to devoutly follow God, referencing St John Climacus’ Spiritual Ladder of Divine Ascent to highlight life’s trials. His moving speech concluded with a call for prayers for himself, for peace in our parishes and in the whole world.

Bishop Raphael warmly welocmed Deacon Symeon’s ordination, marking it as the realisation of Archimandrite Symeon’s (of blessed memory) desire. He lauded Deacon Symeon as a spiritual heir, destined to further the legacy of St Sophrony through genuine love for God and others. Bishop Raphael highlighted the dual nature of priesthood as both a cross to bear and a path to salvation, urging Father Symeon to cherish his blessings, family, and spiritual lineage, along with the growth opportunities presented by life’s challenges. He counselled Father Symeon to maintain humility and attentiveness in his service and encouraged him to stay true to himself, being approachable and humble, and to continuously seek refuge in Christ and the Jesus prayer against trials and temptations. Representing the Archbishop, he expressed joy in welcoming Father Symeon to serve in the altar with unwavering dedication.

Following the ordination, the Parish of St Anthony the Great in Newcastle, under Chairwoman Savina Iliadou’s guidance, organised a grand reception to celebrate Father Symeon’s ordination. The event was a joyful gathering, attended by the church community, family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues, all there to support Father Symeon as he embarks on this new chapter of his spiritual journey.

Bishop Iakovos visits Harrow

Bishop Iakovos visits Harrow

On Monday the 21st January 2024 His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint Panteleimon in North West London. His Grace conveyed His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas’ paternal love and greetings to the congregation, while highlighting and sharing the Archbishop’s encouraging vision which has brought a truly hopeful and bright future for our Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. In his sermon, His Grace Bishop Iakovos stressed the notion of appreciation and gratitude in the life of a Christian, contemplating on the one Samaritan leper who remained faithful and grateful to Christ, for His miraculous healing and presence in his life.

His Grace underlined the following:

‘… As a result of this healing, gratitude sprung forth from his heart, because he did not believe he deserved such a miracle to take place in his own life. He felt unworthy of God’s mercy and presence in his life, and so when our Lord gave him this gift of healing and of health, he was filled with the love of God and the desire to remain with Him all the days of his life…We are thus called in a similar way, as we attend the Liturgy and participate in the sacraments of the Church, to rejoice in God’s presence, in His healing and transforming power, so we may truly offer the rest of our lives to Him ‘in peace and repentance,’ with praise and gratitude.’

The Hierarchical Liturgy was followed by the traditional cutting of the Vasilopita and a lunch provided by the community, with the gracious presence of Cllr Ramji Kanji Chauhan, honourable Mayor of Harrow.

Brotherhood Vasilopitta

Brotherhood Vasilopitta

On Sunday 14th January, 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain led the ceremonial cutting of the Vasilopita of the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood, at the premises of the Brotherhood in North London. Also present were His Eminence Metropolitan Athanasios of Cologne and His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis.

The event was a community gathering that saw the participation of notable figures including the His Excellency Andreas Kakouris, High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, His Excellency Christos Goulas, the Consul of the Hellenic Republic, MP Bambos Charalambous, Tony Vourou, Deputy Mayor of Barnett, as well as Councillors, the wider Greek Cypriot community and clergy from the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain.

The choir of the Archdiocesan school of Byzantine music, led by the Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Paliouras also welcomed the New Year with traditional hymns and the event was followed by a reception.

A highlight of the event was the moment when Mr. Christos Karaolis, the Vice-President of the Brotherhood, discovered the coin in his piece of cake – a sign considered to bring luck for the coming year.

Catalin Constandis ordained to the Holy Diaconate in Cheltenham

Catalin Constandis ordained to the Holy Diaconate in Cheltenham

On Saturday, 30th December 2023, Catalin Constandis was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at the Church of St John Chrysostom in Cheltenham. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas celebrated the Divine Liturgy and the Rev. Protopresbyter Christodoulos Christodoulou and Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous concelebrated with the Archbishop.

In his ordination speech, Subdeacon Catalin expressed profound gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas and all who had supported his journey to priesthood. He drew inspiration from the Gospel of Matthew, emphasizing the transformative power of answering Christ’s call. Just as the Apostle Matthew left his old life to follow Christ, the newly ordained priest embraced a new journey of service and transformation. He extended his appreciation to his parents who send him to study Theology at the age of 14, but also his beloved wife, cherished children, and the supportive community, underscoring the importance of their roles in his calling.

In his response, the Archbishop warmly addressed Subdeacon Catalin, acknowledging his long-awaited journey into priesthood. The Archbishop praised Catalin’s lifelong dedication to this calling and the fulfilment of his dream to serve the Holy Archdiocese and the people of God. Furthermore, the Archbishop emphasized the essential role of the church as a lighthouse for the gentiles and a beacon of hope for the New Israel.

Acknowledging the challenging times, His Eminence Nikitas expressed gratitude for individuals like Catalin who answered the call to serve the Church, uniting people from various regions into one family and community, ‘the Church of many people’. He concluded with a powerful reminder to always speak the language of love, saying, “But remember that you must always speak the most important language; and that is the language of love.” The Archbishop encouraged Catalin to heed the voice of Jesus Christ, who called him to the Priesthood and to serve God, His Church, and His people. In closing, the Archbishop welcomed Catalin to join in the service and ministry that Christ had called him to.

Visit of Bishop Raphael of Ilion to Keswick

Visit of Bishop Raphael of Ilion to Keswick
On Sunday 31st December 2024, His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Parish of St Bega, St Herbert and St Mungo (Braithwaite, Keswick).The V. Revd Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Dr. Antonios Kakalis and the Revd Protopresbyter Christodoulos Fyles and the Revd Deacon Dr Andrei Constantin concelebrated with His Grace Bishop Raphael. His Grace ordained Mr Andrew Sherwood into the order of Readers and met with the parishioners at the generous reception that followed the Liturgy.

Photo credit: Eirinaios Livadiotis.

New Year’s day at the Archdiocesan Cathedral

New Year's day at the Archdiocesan Cathedral

On Monday, 1st January 2024, on the Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord and St Basil the Great, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom in Bayswater, London. Concelebrating were the V. Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, the V. Rev. Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Theonas Mpakalis, the V. Rev. Archimandrite Leonidas Ebralidze, Chancellor (Patriarchate of Georgia), and Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous.

Following the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Nikitas cut the Vasilopita for the New Year. Everyone in attendance received a piece of the Vasilopita from the hands of the Archbishop, granting the wonderful opportunity for him to greet and bless all those present.

New Year’s Day at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos Wood Green

On the 1st January 2024, commemorating both the Lord’s circumcision and St Basil the Great, Hia Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Following the eucharistic synaxis, His Grace Iakovos cut the traditional Vasilopita (cake in memory of St Basil) while sharing words of encouragement and paternal love on the occasion of the commencement of a new year. The V. Revd Archim Lazarus Georgiou, a visiting clergyman from the Metropolis of Limassol in Cyprus, preached the sermon, at the well attended Hierarchical liturgy of St Basil.

Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Prof. Krastu Nikita Banev

On Saturday, 30th December 2023, Deacon Prof. Krastu Nikita Banev was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Church of the Three Hierarchs in Leeds. His Grace Bishop Raphael presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Amongst those concelebrating were the V. Revd Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Dr. Antonios Kakalis, the V. Revd Archimandrite Meletiy Spassov, vice-dean of Sofia Theological Seminary (Bulgarian Orthodox Church), the Revd Protopresbyter Christos Stephanou, the Revd Protopresbyter John Nankivell, the Revd Protopresbyter John Jookway, the Revd Protopresbyter Dr. Dobromir Dimitrov, the Revd Oeconomos Nicholas Karafillides, the Revd Oeconomos Michael Petrakis, Priest-in-charge and the Revd Presbyter Dionisios-James Higgs. Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous as well as Deacons Symeon Menne, and Gregorios Craveiro served. Prior to the ordination, Ioannis Petrakis was elevated by His Grace Raphael to the order of Readers.

Also present were the Rev. Oeconomos Andreas Amirhom (Newcastle), Revd Archpriest Stephen Platt (Oxford) and Revd Archpriest Prof Andrew Louth (Durham) from the Russian Orthodox Church (Diocese of Sourozh), Revd Dr. Justin Mihoc (Durham) from the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Revd Paul Kronbergs (Middlesbrough) and the Revd Canon Dr. Alan Bartlett (Durham) from the Anglican Church, as well as Revd Presbyter Beshoy Karam from the Coptic Cathedral of St. George and St. Athanasios (Newcastle), along with Prof. Jane Heath (Durham University).

In his ordination speech, Fr Nikita reflected on his spiritual journey throughout his life and expressed profound gratitude to God for the divine call to the ordained ministry of Priesthood. He extended heartfelt thanks to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas, for guiding him in discerning the right time to take the first step toward the Holy Altar. Father Nikita also conveyed his appreciation to His Grace Bishop Raphael, recalling their initial meeting at the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex during 1999-2000 when he was still a student.

Father Nikita also expressed his deep gratitude to Fr. John and Georgina Nankivell, whom he first met during the same period and who have remained close friends. He extended a sincere thank you to Fr. Meletiy, who represented his home country and Bulgarian family. Father Nikita also thanked the Community in Leeds for their warm welcome, noting that it was at this very church that he was initially ordained as a reader by the late Archbishop Gregorios in January 2007. He also expressed his profound appreciation to his dear wife, Esther, and their children, Liliana-Maria, Anastasia, and Symeon, for wholeheartedly embracing their new life as a clergy family.

In closing, Father Nikita acknowledged his role as a Priest is to lead the people of God in the greatest act of thanksgiving, the Eucharist, where the Church gathers to give thanks and noted the importance of giving thanks, even in challenging times.

In his address to Deacon Nikita, Bishop Raphael noted that Nikita’s life was about to undergo a transformative change, taking on new meaning and beauty as he prepared to be ordained as a Priest. Bishop Raphael highlighted Nikita’s well-rounded preparation, growing up in a devout Orthodox Christian environment, living a pious life, and receiving guidance from dedicated clergymen. He also acknowledged Nikita’s family, his worthy wife, and good children who would provide support and inspiration on his journey. Bishop Raphael emphasised that, through the Archbishop’s call, Fr. Nikita was not a foreigner in the Church but an integral part of the Archdiocese’s family, working together to welcome more people to the faith. In conclusion, Bishop Raphael wished for Nikita’s priestly service to be so impactful that people encountering him would affirm the truth of the Gospel and conveyed his blessings for Nikita’s journey in the priesthood, praying for a path filled with grace, devotion, and inspiration for all those Nikita would encounter in his ministry.

The close-knit community in Leeds, under the guidance of Fr. Michael Petrakis,Priest-in-charge, President Kostas Karakoussis and the Parish Council, as well as the co-ordinator Mr Irineos Livadiotes, orchestrated a truly splendid reception in celebration of the ordination. This event seamlessly accommodated nearly 200 guests. The delicious meal prepared by the talented cook, Mr. Nikolaos Tagkatidis and volunteers, added an extra layer of warmth and flavour to the gathering. It provided an extraordinary opportunity for guest from across the UK and members of the Leeds community to come together and witness the ordination of Fr. Nikita. Against the backdrop of the ordination, attendees relished the chance to also exchange warm greetings for the New Year.

Fr Nikita will be serving at the Church of the Annunciation of the Mother of God in Middlesbrough.

The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord in Kentish Town

The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord in Kentish Town

In a festive atmosphere, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St Andrew Kentish Town in London. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas was joined by the V. Rev. Archimandrite Chrysostomos Michaelides, the Rev. Oeconomos Fr Kristian Akselberg, Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Archdeacon George Tsourous and Rev. Deacon Georgios Ntallas.

In his sermon on the fest of the Nativity of the Lord, Archbishop Nikitas talked abouT Christmas; the miracle of life and God’s deep love, as shown by sending His Son to save humanity. He reminded the congregation that all prophecies had been fulfilled with the birth of Christ by the Theotokos, marking the fullness of time. Even though Britain may no longer be a predominantly Christian country, the Archbishop stressed the importance of maintaining faith in Jesus Christ, the God-Man. He greeted all those named Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us,” and urged the congregation to spread the joy and message of the day, particularly with those who could not attend the Church. Concluding his sermon, His Eminence imparted a heartfelt invocation for the abiding presence of God’s grace in the lives of all the faithful, encouraging people to have hope in Jesus Christ on this most hallowed of days.

Photo Credit: Alexios Gennaris

Georgios Ntallas ordained to the Holy Diaconate in London

On Saturday, 23rd December 2023, Georgios Ntallas was ordained to the Holy Diaconate at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom in Bayswater. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

Amongst those concelebrating was the V. Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, the V. Rev. Archimandrite of the Oecumenical Throne Theonals Bakalis, Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous and Deacon Gregory Palamas Florides. His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis joined prayerfully in the altar.

Deacon Georgios expressed his profound gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas for the honour and blessing of being ordained to the diaconate, the initial rank of the Holy Priesthood in the Orthodox Church. In the days leading to his ordination, Deacon Georgios contemplated the life of St. Stephanos, the First Martyr, drawing inspiration from his devotion and resilience beyond secular comforts. He emphasised his commitment to his duties, deeply inspired by the Crucified Christ, and noted that the sight and presence of Christ’s holy body and precious blood during the Divine Liturgy will continually remind him of his significant responsibilities.

He extended his heartfelt thanks to the clergy, especially Fr Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor of the Holy Archdiocese; Archdeacon George Tsourous; and Fr Konstantinos Mamouris, for their love, patience, and understanding. Special gratitude was also conveyed to Fr Theonas for his trust and spiritual guidance. Additionally, Deacon Georgios acknowledged the unwavering support of his spouse, Evangelia, praising her discreet support, patience, love, and sacrifices. He dedicated this significant day to her, in recognition of her enduring support and acceptance of his spiritual path.

In his response, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas spoke to the newly ordained Deacon Georgios, commending the humility he has observed in him since their first meeting. Drawing a parallel with Christ’s calling of humble fishermen to discipleship, His Eminence reflected on how Georgios, too, was called to join the clergy and serve in Christ’s Church. Archbishop Nikitas advised Deacon Georgios to remain steadfast and resilient in his diaconate, undeterred by any future challenges. With his humility and love, Deacon Georgios is well-positioned to  contribute to the work of the Church in this land.

The ordination concluded with a reception and fellowship in the Cathedral’s crypt.