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Archbishop’s Call for Prayers for King’s Health

Archbishop's Call for Prayers for King's Health

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas expresses his prayerful support for the restoration of health for His Majesty King Charles III, in light of the recent announcement about the King’s health.

His Eminence encourages the parishes and communities of our Archdiocese, and all the faithful, to continue to pray for our King, and for His recovery and well-being, in keeping with our entreaty during every Divine Liturgy: “For our most gracious Sovereign Lord King Charles III, the Royal Family, His Majesty’s Government, for those in public service, and for the Royal Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord”.

The Feast of the Three Hierarchs in London

The Feast of the Three Hierarchs in London

On Monday, 29th January 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during vespers for the Feast of the Three Hierarchs at the Church of the Holy Cross and Archangel Michael in Golders Green, North London accompanied by the V. Reverend Archimandrite Vissarion Kokliotis, and Protopresbyter John Hookway, as well as Archdeacon George Tsourous and Deacon Gregory-Palamas Florides. The School of Byzantine Music of the Holy Archdiocese, led by Protopresbyter Joseph Paliouras, chanted in the service.

At the invitation of His Eminence The Archbishop, the V. Reverend Archimandrite Petros, Abbot of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Saint John the Baptist in Essex, delivered the panegyric on the significance of Greek and Christian letters, in both Greek and English.

Archbishop Nikitas, speaking at both the commencement and conclusion of the feast, extended his gratitude to Abbot Petros, the participants, the event’s organiser Mrs. Ismene Hatzigianni-Gikas, Coordinator of the Central Educational Council of the Holy Archdiocese, the parish of the Holy Cross and Archangel Michael for hosting the event, Archimandrite Vissarion Kokliotis, and all attendees.

Among those present also were the V. Revd Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Protosyncellus, Mr. Christos Goulas, the Consul of Greece in London, Mr. Odysseas Odysseos, the Consul General of Cyprus, and Mrs. Veroni Irene, Deputy Education Coordinator at the Greek Embassy.

The event saw attendance from clergy of the Holy Archdiocese, teachers from Greek Schools, and numerous faithful.

The service was followed by an official reception in the community hall.

Bishop Raphael visits Middlesbrough

Bishop Raphael visits Middlesbrough

On Sunday, 21st January 2024, the Orthodox parish of the Annunciation in Middlesbrough joyfully celebrated the feast of St Maximos the Confessor. His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided during the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Revd Presbyter Nikita Banev, the Priest-in-Charge. The occasion was further graced by the presence of the Revd Presbyter David Walker from the Holy Apostles church in Leyland as a guest clergyman.

The service attracted many faithful, including founding members of the parish from 1976. It was particularly moving to see these individuals witnessing their grandchildren receive holy communion from Bishop Raphael.

The chanting was led by Mr Efstathios Mentzas, Protopsaltis from the Church of the Three Holy Hierarchs in Leeds, and Liliana Banev, the Parish’s lead chanter. They were supported by the Edinburgh team accompanying Bishop Raphael.

In his sermon, Bishop Raphael reflected on the life of Fr John Maitland Moir from Edinburgh, whose life exemplified prayer and unconditional love. He shared how Fr John’s constant prayer was “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy,” a phrase embodying inclusiveness and selflessness. Fr John’s humility was evident in his willingness to risk his reputation for others, exemplified by an incident where he begged for money for those in need, unconcerned about misinterpretation.

Bishop Raphael underscored the teachings of Fr John that viewed suffering as a divine selection and a path to acceptance and gratitude for God’s will. He spoke of Fr John’s life transitioning to one of continuous thanksgiving, highlighting his non-judgemental and positive nature. Drawing on the Gospel and the words of Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain, Bishop Raphael emphasised the importance and power of gratitude, especially during suffering. He recommended beginning each day with a thankful heart, suggesting the practice of daily expressing gratitude to God with the words, “Lord Jesus, thank you for everything.”

Bishop Raphael expressed gratitude to God and the congregation, especially thanking Fr Nikita for his spiritual leadership. He acknowledged the emotional support needed by clergymen and extended thanks to Fr Paul for his hospitality and support.

In his response, Fr Nikita expressed his deep gratitude to Bishop Raphael for his longstanding support and friendship, recalling their first meeting in 2000 at the monastery in Essex. He thanked the Bishop for his personal support, his love for the parish, and for officiating the Divine Liturgy. Fr Nikita echoed Bishop Raphael’s message of daily gratitude, urging the congregation to remember and pray for the Bishop.

A highlight of the visit was the festive meal, featuring the blessing of the traditional Vasilopita cakes by Bishop Raphael. Special thanks are extended to all contributors, particularly to Fr Paul, who ensured a warm reception area despite a power cut.

Deacon Jeremiah de Bùrca ordained to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Jeremiah de Bùrca ordained to the Holy Priesthood

On Monday 22nd January 2024, Deacon Jeremiah de Bùrca was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis, at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Wood Green, London. The new presbyter of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, will serve the growing community under establishment, in Cork, Ireland. Fr Jeremiah, having been ordained the previous day to the Diaconate by Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, expressed his wholehearted gratitude towards both His Eminence and His Grace Bishop Iakovos for their love and support as he begins a new journey within the Lord’s vineyard.

In his address to Fr Jeremiah, His Grace Bishop Iakovos congratulated him on his ordination to the Holy Priesthood. He emphasised the significance and responsibility of the Priesthood, noting that it was a divine calling to serve God’s people. His Grace highlighted the central role of the priest in performing sacraments, especially in the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ during the Holy Liturgy.

Bishop Iakovos advised Fr Jeremiah to remain humble, seek guidance from fellow clergy, and cultivate a life of prayer and continuous learning. He stressed the importance of serving the liturgical and sacramental life of the community in Ireland and upholding the traditions of the Orthodox Church. The Bishop also acknowledged the support Father Jeremiah would receive from the Archdiocese of Thyateira in fulfilling his mission to reconnect people with the authentic Christian tradition.

The message underscored the vision of Archbishop Nikitas for the Archdiocese, focusing on liturgical and catechetical ministries as well as Christian acts of charity and philanthropy. Father Jeremiah was encouraged to embrace this vision and reach out to the people of Cork with enthusiasm and the spirit of evangelism.

Deacon Jeremiah expressed his heartfelt thanks to Archbishop Nikitas for his guidance and to His Grace Bishop Iakovos for their support and guidance, whilst also fondly remembering his late parents, who he believed would be proud. He also acknowledged the support of his family, particularly his wife. Reflecting on his spiritual journey, Jeremiah described it as lengthy and full of twists and turns, but ultimately leading him swiftly to this pivotal moment. Emphasising the Christian duty to share faith graciously with others, he expressed gratitude for the Archbishop’s foresight and trust in him to undertake this significant mission in Ireland.

Jeremiah de Bùrca ordained to the Holy Diaconate

Jeremiah de Bùrca ordained to the Holy Diaconate

On Sunday 21st January 2024, Jeremiah de Bùrca was ordained to the Holy Deaconate at the Church of St. Anthony and St. John the Baptist in Holloway, London. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and concelebrated the Divine Liturgy. Among those concelebrating was the V. Revd Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Protosyncellus of the Holy Archdiocese, the Revd Protopresbyter Mathaios Chalaris (St Dimitrios, Athens, Greece), and the Revd. Oeconomos Reginos Charalambous, Priest-in-charge. The Rev. Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous and the Deacons Dimitrios Mamouchas and Georgios Ntallas also served. Distinguished guests included the Honourable Councillor Gary Heather, Mayor of Islington.

On this significant day of his ordination to the first order of the priesthood, Deacon Jeremiah expressed his deep gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas for his guidance and help, and also Archdeacon George for his assistance. He also thanked his late parents, whom he believed would be very proud; and his family, particularly his wife.

Speaking of the spiritual journey which brought him to this day, he remarked that it had been a long one, with many twists turns; yet each of them had been instrumental in bringing him to this moment; and even though it had been long, yet it had moved with surprising swiftness at the end, bringing him to the next step on his journey.
Deacon Jeremiah noted that he had been invited to London by the Archbishop to be ordained first to the Diaconate (and the following day into Priesthood) with the intent of returning to Ireland to begin a new parish of the Archdiocese in Cork. Saying that all Christians are called by Christ to acknowledge Him before the world, he pointed out that an essential aspect of this is willingly sharing the Faith with others, not by imposing it, but by offering it graciously. He expressed gratitude to the Archbishop for his foresight in extending this opportunity to the people of Ireland and for entrusting him with this significant responsibility.

Following the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Nikitas offered an epogonation to the Revd Protopresbyter Mathaios Chalaris on behalf of the Parish Council and an icon to the Councillor Gary Heather, Mayor of Islington.

The day, filled with reverence and celebration, culminated in a heartwarming reception offered by the Community of St Anthony and St John the Baptist in Holloway.

Blessing of Seas in Margate

On January 7, 2024, the Annual Blessing of the Seas took place in Margate, hosted and organized by the Greek Orthodox Community of the Archangel Michael. Representing His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, the V Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Protosyncellus of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, led the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Archangel Michael, as well as the annual Blessing of the Seas ceremony that followed. Among those concelebrating were the V Rev. Archimandrite Diodoros Christodoulou, Rev. Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous, and Rev. Deacon Piotr Prokopczyk.

This year marked the 59th anniversary of this long-standing tradition, which is a celebration of the Feast of our Lord’s Baptism and Theophany. More than 30 mayors were among the esteemed civil leaders and officials in attendance, as well as Lord Deputy Lieutenant Sir Roger Gale; the Hon. Heather Keen, Mayor of Margate; the Hon. Christos Goulas, Consul of the Hellenic Republic; the Hon. Odysseas Odysseos, Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus; and Mr Christos Karaolis, President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK.

The ceremony involved a procession of clergy, laity, civil officials, and marching bands, all walking together down to the beachfront, where the Holy Cross of our Lord was prayerfully immersed in the sea, blessing and sanctifying the waters.

Reflecting an expanding sense of community and cultural exchange, the event witnessed active participation from both the Greek community and local residents of Margate. This increasing involvement of locals, especially in the joint organization of the event with the Margate authorities, highlights the evolving nature of the Annual Blessing of the Seas. It is becoming a unifying event that bridges different cultures and communities.

Deacon Symeon Menne ordained to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Symeon Menne ordained to the Holy Priesthood

On Sunday, 14th January 2024, Deacon Symeon Menne was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Church of St Anthony the Great in Newcastle. His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided during Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Amongst those concelebrating were the V. Revd Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Dr Antonios Kakalis, Hieromonk Melchisedec from the Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex, Revd Oeconomos Andreas Amirhom, Revd Presbyter Anton Caius Curgu and Revd Presbyter Nikitas Banev. Also present were the Revd Dr. Justin Mihoc (Durham) from the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Very Revd Lee Batson, Dean of the Newcastle Cathedral. Prior to the ordination, Andreas Lumsden was elevated to the order of Readers by His Grace Bishop Raphael.

In his ordination speech, Deacon Symeon expressed profound gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain for blessing his journey to priesthood. Deacon Symeon recounted his own spiritual journey in Orthodoxy, starting with his Baptism at the Monastery of St Catherine in Sinai in 1991, which has ever since been lovingly supported by the Archbishop of the Monastery and the Sinaite Brotherhood, including his Godparents, Hieromonk Arsenios and Monk Moses, as well as the Abbot and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex. He acknowledged with utter reverence the unfailing love of his first spiritual father, the late Archimandrite Symeon, of blessed memory, and his current one, His Grace Bishop Raphael. He also extended his deep appreciation to the priests, who guided him during his Holy Diaconate with love and patience, especially Fr Antonios Kakalis, Fr Andreas Amirhom, Fr Andrew Louth, Fr Justin Mihoc, and Archdeacon George Tsourous. He also cordially thanked his family, especially his dearly beloved wife Konstantina, his rock and support, and cherished children Savina and George Lucas.

After recounting all his blessings, he then reflected on a saying by St Sophrony of Essex about the purpose of the Christian Life, which is to ‘ask the Lord Jesus to send the Holy Spirit into our hearts to cleanse us and make us like Christ’. Recollecting his experiences from several of his patients’ last moments on this earth, Deacon Symeon reiterated the need to steadfastly live by the Saint’s advice, whilst continually preparing for the afterlife through humility, discernment, prayer, fasting, faith, hope and love. He acknowledged that there is no better place on earth to get closer to our Saviour than in Church, most importantly through our participation in the Eucharist. Deacon Symeon humbly accepted his sacred duty, seeking forgiveness and vowing to be a diligent shepherd, inspired by the country’s Christian Saints. He urged all to devoutly follow God, referencing St John Climacus’ Spiritual Ladder of Divine Ascent to highlight life’s trials. His moving speech concluded with a call for prayers for himself, for peace in our parishes and in the whole world.

Bishop Raphael warmly welocmed Deacon Symeon’s ordination, marking it as the realisation of Archimandrite Symeon’s (of blessed memory) desire. He lauded Deacon Symeon as a spiritual heir, destined to further the legacy of St Sophrony through genuine love for God and others. Bishop Raphael highlighted the dual nature of priesthood as both a cross to bear and a path to salvation, urging Father Symeon to cherish his blessings, family, and spiritual lineage, along with the growth opportunities presented by life’s challenges. He counselled Father Symeon to maintain humility and attentiveness in his service and encouraged him to stay true to himself, being approachable and humble, and to continuously seek refuge in Christ and the Jesus prayer against trials and temptations. Representing the Archbishop, he expressed joy in welcoming Father Symeon to serve in the altar with unwavering dedication.

Following the ordination, the Parish of St Anthony the Great in Newcastle, under Chairwoman Savina Iliadou’s guidance, organised a grand reception to celebrate Father Symeon’s ordination. The event was a joyful gathering, attended by the church community, family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues, all there to support Father Symeon as he embarks on this new chapter of his spiritual journey.