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Holy Island Pilgrimage

On Saturday, 4th November 2023, approximately 60 to 70 congregants from four parishes of the Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain—St Andrew the First-called (Edinburgh, Scotland), St Columba of Iona (Inverness, Highlands, Scotland), St Bega, St Mungo & St Herbert (Keswick, Cumbria), and The Mother of God and St Oswald (Berwick Upon Tweed, Northumbria)—embarked on a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided over Divine Liturgy. The Very Rev. Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Antonios Kakalis celebrated the Divine Liturgy and Deacons Symeon Menne, and Dr Nikita Banev served.

In a solemn and joyous moment post-liturgy, Gregory Dott was received into the Orthodox Church through the sacrament of Chrismation witnessed by the gathered faithful, who warmly welcomed Gregory to the Orthodox faith.

Following the liturgical services, the pilgrims gathered for fellowship at the island’s Community Hall. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity for the community members to engage with one another, share updates, and strengthen their bonds of fellowship.

The day also included a walk around the serene landscapes of Lindisfarne, allowing the participants to reflect and take in the tranquil beauty of the island. The group then departed punctually, via bus and cars, ahead of the returning tide that reconnects the island to the mainland.

Blessing of the new community hall at the Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles Hatfield

On Sunday 29th October 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during Matins and celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Holy Church of the Twelve Apostles in Hatfield. Among those celebrating were the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, the Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Paliouras, priest-in-charge, the Rev. Protopresbyter Nikodimos Aggeli and Rev. Oeconomos Dimitrianos Melekis and assisted by Archdeacon George Tsourous. Hundreds of faithful were in attendance.

Following the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence, alongside the Very Rev Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, the Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Paliouras, priest-in-charge, and Archdeacon George Tsourous, proceeded to bless the new community hall. This new facility will house the fellowship hall, Sunday School, an adult Baptistry, and storage facilities for the flourishing Food Bank that continues to assist hundreds of local families. In celebration of this momentous occasion, a generous meal was provided in the presence of distinguished Archons and esteemed dignitaries from the local Council.

Festal Celebrations in Honour of the Holy Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrios the Myrrh-streamer in Edmonton

The Community of St Demetrios Edmonton in North London celebrated the Feast of the Great-Martyr Demetrios, its Patron Saint and protector, with fervour and grandeur. Hundreds of faithful attended the celebrations. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided during the panegyric Great Vespers, Matins, and the Divine Liturgy joined by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Claudioupolis. Among those concelebrating were the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor, the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nikodemos Anagnostopoulos, Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Protopresbyter John Hookway and numerous area clergy.

During Great Vespers, His Eminence honoured the Rev. Oeconomos John Hookway’s longstanding service to the Community by elevating him to the rank of Protopresbyter. Additionally, Mr. Nicholas Menikou, Mr. Demetrios Iordanou, and Mr. Alexandros Georgiou were elevated by His Eminence Nikitas to the order of Readers. Distinguished guests in attendance included His Excellency Mr. Christos Goulas, Consul of the Hellenic Republic in London, esteemed Heads of Education from the Greek and Cypriot Mission – Mrs. Irene Veroni and Mrs. Maria Loi, as well as the Archons of the Great Church of Christ, Mr. Menelaos Ourris and Mr. Panayiotis Demetriou.

After the conclusion of Great Vespers, the Community hosted a generous festal meal for the entire congregation. On the feast day itself, attendees were treated to a delightful array of traditional savoury and sweet dishes in the church hall.

Archbishop Nikitas visits Bath

Archbishop Nikitas visits Bath

On Sunday, 22nd October 2023, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain made his inaugural pastoral visit to the Parish of St John of Kronstadt in Bath. His Eminence presided over the Divine Liturgy, marking a significant moment for the entire community. The choir, with its exceptional rendition of hymns, greatly contributed to the creation of a deeply prayerful atmosphere.

With a heartfelt welcome, Presbyter Richard Penwell, the dedicated Priest-in-Charge, and the congregation, representing a diverse array of backgrounds, warmly received His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas who was accompanied by Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous. The previous priest who served the community in Bath, Rev Oeconomos Seraphim Johnson, was also prayerfully present, as were several clergy from area Anglican parishes.

During this special visit, Archbishop Nikitas ordained Konstantinos Diadimas as a Reader and elevated Fr Richard Penwell to the position of Oeconomos. He then proceeded to bless the exquisite icons of the iconostasis, which were crafted by the talented Presbytera Tamara. Following the Divine Liturgy and a shared meal, His Eminence engaged with the parishioners in an interactive discussion, further deepening the connection between the clergy and the community. The wonderful hospitality reflected the deep bonds of community spirit, love, and unity in the community of St John of Kronstadt in Bath.

Interchristian Summit in the House of Lord: Nagorno-Karabakh crisis

On Thursday, 19 October 2023, Archbishop Nikitas joined other Christian Leaders at the House of Lords to learn and discuss the crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. The gathering was hosted by the Bishop of Southwark, the Rt. Revd. Christopher Chessum.

Representatives came from the Anglican, Armenian, Coptic, Syriac and other Christian traditions. His Excellency Ambassador Varuzhan Nersesyan of Armenia provided insightful information about the situations and the humanitarian crisis. Bishop Hovakim, Primate of the Armenian in the UK spoke about the history of the area and its importance to the Armenian people. He also touched on the issues of a new ethnic cleansing, as well as the realities and the suffering of the people. Several local Armenians spoke and shared their stories with the group.

Archbishop Nikitas addressed the group and stated that in such cases history will be rewritten and the truth will be lost, all by aggression and the desire of other nations to expand their borders. The Archbishop also mentioned a shared history and past with the Armenians, as well as the solidarity, love and prayers of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.

Open Forum on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

On the 16th of October 2023, the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom played host to a momentous gathering organised by the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. Scholars and attendees convened in the Cathedral’s Crypt for the open forum, “The Realities of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery”.

Under the coordination of Dr. Petre Breazu of the University of Cambridge, the evening was graced with insights from distinguished scholars:

  • Dr. Carole Murphy of St. Mary’s University, drawing upon her vast experience as the Director of the Bakhita Centre for Research on Slavery, Exploitation, and Abuse.
  • Dr. Katerina Hadjimatheou from the University of Essex, who brought forward her research on the convergence of technology and policing in the realm of human trafficking.
  • Dr. Ronan Lee from Loughborough University London, shedding light on contemporary challenges around human trafficking.

The discussion was not only academic in nature but also practical. Participants deeply engaged in a fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences, tapping into the unique perspectives of each scholar as they grappled with the multifaceted challenges of human exploitation across the globe. Following the presentations, the scholars and attendees had the opportunity to continue their discussions over a meal, fostering a more collaborative atmosphere.

The Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain takes pride in catalysing such enlightening dialogues. We remain steadfast in our mission to foster understanding, unity, and collective action against global adversities such as human trafficking.

The establishment of a new community on the islands of Lewis and Harris

The establishment of a new community on the islands of Lewis and Harris

A Report on the Establishment of the Orthodox Community of St Taran on Lewis and Harris

With the blessing and encouragement of His Eminence our Archbishop Nikitas a new Community was established under his Omoforion, this time in the Outer Hebrides, on the Scottish islands of Lewis and Harris.

Officially founded on 13 May 2023, this new community is dedicated to St Taran, a revered local Saint from the 5th century. The establishment is a testament to our enduring faith and the commitment to spreading Orthodoxy even in the remotest corners. A significant milestone was reached on 3 September when His Grace Bishop Raphael of Ilion presided over the Divine Liturgy. He was ably assisted by the Revd Fr Michael Harry from the Antiochian Archdiocese and the Revd Deacon Symeon Menne of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain.

This marked only the second celebration of the Divine Liturgy since the community’s inception. In a display of growing spiritual leadership and with the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas, His Grace Bishop Raphael ordained Daniel Davies of Harris and Angus MacIver of Lewis as Readers before the Liturgy commenced.

The founding of the Community of St Taran reaffirms the faith and is a poignant reminder of the vision of the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese remain committed to embracing both immigrants and natives, rooted in unwavering Orthodox beliefs, and envisioning itself as the living embodiment of the ancient Orthodox Church on these isles.

Furthermore, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to St Peter’s Episcopalian church (Vestry) for graciously permitting the use of their church building. We are very grateful to them for their invaluable assistance in this endeavour.

The Feast of St Luke in Glasgow

The Feast of St Luke in Glasgow

On Sunday, 15th October 2023, the Community of St Luke in Glasgow celebrated its Patronal Feast. His Grace, Bishop Raphael of Ilion, presided over the Liturgy, with the Very Rev. Archimandrite Mark Mitchell, the Priest-in-charge, concelebrating.

The Divine Liturgy was a joyous occasion, made even more special by the beautiful hymns sung by St Luke’s highly skilled Byzantine Choir. Many members of the vibrant and steadily growing congregation attended.

After the Divine Liturgy, the Community extended warm hospitality to His Grace, Bishop Raphael, and all the faithful in the Community’s hall.

St Luke’s is one of the oldest and most established Communities in our Archdiocese. Founded in 1944, it owes its existence to the piety and hard work of mainly Cypriot immigrants. The most notable among them was Sir Reo Stakis of blessed memory, the Founder and great Benefactor of the Community. At the height of its glory, St Luke’s was home to four hundred families and boasted a large Greek School and its very own football team!

Currently undergoing a transitional phase, the Church of St Luke’s serves not just the many Greeks residing in Glasgow, but also an increasing number of local Scots. Moreover, faithful from several other Orthodox countries, such as Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, and Romania, now call it their spiritual home.