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Walsingham – Pan-Orthodox Chapel of Life-Receiving Source

Within the Anglican Shrine Church of Our Lady of Walsingham, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6EF

Walsingham – Parish of the Holy Transfiguration

Scarborough Road, Great Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6DP
Website: holytransfigurationwalsingham.simdif.com

Father Christopher Knight
E-mail: fatherxopher@gmail.com

Other Clergy:
Father David Davis
Archpriest Patrick Hodson

Weston-super-Mare – The Greek Orthodox Community of St Andrew the Apostle

Grove Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS22 8HE
Tel.: 01934 418 906
Website: greekcommunitywsm.co.uk

Priest: The Revd Oeconomos Stylianos Savva

Windsor – The Greek Orthodox Community of St. Andrew the Apostle

Windsor - The Greek Orthodox Community of St. Andrew the Apostle

Windsor - The Greek Orthodox Community of St. Andrew the ApostleChapel of Englefield Green Cemetery, St Jude’s Road, Englefield Green, Surrey, TW20 0BZ
Website: www.apostolosandreaswindsor.com
Tel.: 07754670309

The Revd Presbyter Gregory Laurenzano

Worchester – Greek Orthodox Community

Worshipping within the Anglican Church of Old St. Martin, The Cornmarket, Queen Street, Worcester WR1 2DF

Served by a visiting priest.

York – The Greek Orthodox Community of Saints Constantine & Helen

Worshipping within the Anglican Church of St. Mary Bishophill Junior, York

Website: gocyork.wordpress.com/homepage

Served by Fr David Carnelley.
E-mail: fr.david@talk21.com


The Deanery of Great Britain and Ireland is within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinoplewithin the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain.
Registered Charity Number: 1164976

Website: thyateira-deanery.uk

Deanery Safeguarding Policy

Monastery of St. John the Baptist

Monastery of St John the Baptist Essex

The Old Rectory, Rectory Road, Tolleshunt Knights, By Maldon, Essex CM9 8EZ, United Kingdom

The Convent of St. John of Kronstadt

24 Alexandra Road, Bath ΒΑ2 4PW

Nun Sarah
Tel.: 01225-330 651
E-mail: m.c.sarah@bath.ac.uk


Feast day: August 31