Archbishop Nikitas Celebrates the Feast of St. Nikitas in London

On Sunday, 15th September 2024, the Feast of St. Nikitas the Great-Martyr, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain presided over Matins and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Church of St. Nicholas in Shepherd’s Bush, London, marking his patronal feast.

Concelebrating with the Archbishop were Their Eminences Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland and Metropolitan Nikodemos of Nigeria, Their Graces Bishop Maximos of Melitene, Bishop Raphael of Ilion, and Bishop Iakovos of Claudiopolis. Metropolitan Athanasios of Koloneia prayerfully attended.

Among the clergy serving were the V. Revd Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Protosyncellus, the Revd Protopresbyter Michael Kouremetis, and the Revd Presbyter George Tsiappourdhi. The Revd Archdeacon Dr George Tsourous and the Revd Deacons Gregory-Palama Florides, Gregory Craveiro, and Georgios Ntallas also served.

In attendance were MP Bambos Charalambous, His Excellency Yannis Tsaousis, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic, and His Excellency Dr Kyriacos Kouros, High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, accompanied by members of their diplomatic corps. Several Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and hundreds of faithful filled the church.

Just before the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Nikitas performed the 40-day blessing for the newborn child of Deacon Georgios and Evangellia Ntallas, Nikolas, a deeply moving moment that touched all those present.

Following the Liturgy, His Eminence blessed the Festal Loaves and kollyva in honour of St. Nikitas. A warm reception in the community hall provided an opportunity for fellowship, where the Archbishop was greeted with heartfelt nameday wishes.

During the meal, Archon Panikos Herodotou delivered a moving tribute to the Archbishop. Mr Kevin Wang and Mr Aristotle Vainikos, co-ordinators of the Christian Orthodox Thyateira Youth (COTY) also conveyed greetings and flowers on behalf of the Archdiocese’s youth ministry, while the students of St. Nicholas Sunday School extended their own well-wishes, embodying the spirit and future of the community.

In response, Archbishop Nikitas expressed his deep gratitude for the outpouring of love and support, commending the congregation for the simplicity, prayerfulness, and humility that made the day’s celebration so special. He concluded by wishing that St. Nikitas bless and protect everyone present, offering his continued prayers for the spiritual prosperity of those present.